Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 23- Bone Doggie

Got my new camera today! Yipee. Nothing special in the shot department. But I had to take some to see how it worked and all. I will play some more and hopefully get some neater shots in the next few days. Yoshi was very tolerant of me shooting her while she enjoys her bone.


YMS said...

New camera, great!

kimbomac said...

Aaawww, she's (still) so cute. That face, while she props up the bone, looks great.
Can't wait to see more from the new camera!

Andromeda5000 said...

At least you've got a reason to use your new camera! Keeo the shots coming :-)

.... I wonder how many of us will get withdrawal symptoms an the end of July!

Phildo said...

Man those jowls can engulf a bone! :)