Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 21

Good thing this isnt a real contest or I would be dq'd for another lazy entry! Yoshi was too busy trying to eat the plant to get her picture taken. So I had to hold a shiny peace of paper in my hand to get her to even hold still. Then she started barking at me. I dont have the patience today to wait till later. Long day at work, and boy this sure has been a long month with all these pictures!! Im losing steam and creativity but I am not going to give up. It just gets UGH after awhile!! Yoshi's been a trooper tho!!


kimbomac said...

Yoshi looks like she would be game for anything, forever! She's so cute and you keep capturing her so well. Lovely even lighting.

Andromeda5000 said...

You and Yoshi are doing really well. Hang in there. Not many more days to go!